Sometimes I feel like I'm the Waldo in the pictures, one face in the sea of faces, one little insignificant person in the crowd of millions. Make that billions. One person, one soul, just one lost sinner looking for my role, waiting on God to reveal...what's that Jesus?
What am I waiting for?
I've been floundering around for my whole life, trying to figure out what God's big plan for my life is. But I'm still waiting. I even go to church almost every Sunday and toss a couple bucks in the offering plate, but nothing's changed. My life isn't anything like it will be once God's plan is revealed. I'm still waiting for God to show me...what did you say Jesus?
Good works? Good news?
Yep, I go to work everyday, but its not cool to talk about God there. My coworkers might make fun of me if they knew I was a Christian. And I don't know if any of them go to church, and I sure don't want to talk about the Bible to anyone that doesn't go to church. That would be really uncomfortable. So that's why I'm just waiting for God to reveal...what do you mean Jesus?
What do you mean God already showed me His plan?
Its in the Bible?
But I read the Bible, the whole thing, and I never found anything where God wrote about what He was going to do with my life. He doesn't even mention me in the Bible, Jesus.
He did mention me in the Bible?
Oh, yeah, child of God...
Yeah, I know, I'm a child of God, and that's all great, but I'm waiting for MY big day, when God shows me what He's calling me to do with my life. When He calls my name loud like thunder and says"This is what you were meant to do!" And then He gives me a bunch of money and I can go do whatever easy job He's created me for. I can't wait to do God's work! Its going to be so great... What did you say Jesus?
What do you mean "Feed my sheep"?
Who are "the least of these"?
Love my neighbors? Well, I hardly know them, how can I love them?
Besides, wouldn't that be weird?
But those people live on the other side of the planet, how can they be my neighbors?
I've never even been to Samaria, how would I know a good one if I met one?
I just don't understand your riddles Jesus!
What's that about parables Jesus?
Don't waste my what, Jesus?
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