~Open the eyes of my heart Lord!~

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What Happened?

Yesterday my 17 year old son went to a funeral for a 15 year old boy from his school. This young man killed himself. This had not been his first attempt.

DISCLAIMER***I really don't know anything about this young man's family, so anything I say here is purely speculation and the ramblings of my own mind. I do not know if they are or are not a Christian family, I do not know of any mental illnesses or any other medical conditions that may contribute to depression or anything else that may have lead to his decision to end his life.***

I hear about suicide all the time. I'm a volunteer for our local ambulance service, and I read on my pager quite frequently, "suicidal" male or female. It's in the papers, it's on the news, and so many times, it's a young person.

I don't understand how a child can feel so alone and so desperate that they decide to take their own lives. Are we failing our children somehow? Are we doing something wrong? Or is it society? Is our culture killing our kids? The need to be popular, to be liked, to have material possesions; is strong. The "haves" sometimes alienate the "have nots". Bullies take lives too , by their hate and evil words and actions.

What makes these kids act like this?
Personally, I think that by taking God out of the lives of our children by taking Him out of our schools, we do them a huge disservice.
My taxes pay for that public school, why can't my Savior reside there too?
Also, by taking away the right of a parent to disclipline their child, we also do them a great disservice. (Abuse and disclipline are two very different things, for anyone who wants to cry foul.)

Also, by taking God out of our children's lives, we have taken away their hope and their knowledge of their Creator. And just taking these kids to church does not make them a Christian. Do you talk to your kids about God? Or is that your pastor's job? Do your kids know how important God is in your life? Is He important in your life? Do you spend time with your kids watching the shows they watch, listening to the music they listen to? Do you know who their friends are, and what those friends believe? Do you know your kids and what they believe? Peer pressure works both ways you know.

All in all, I pray that this young man is in the presence of Our Savior right now. I pray that God saw his breaking heart, his broken spirit, and anything else that contributed to his death, and said "Child of mine, I love you and forgive you. I died on the cross for you, you are mine."