~Open the eyes of my heart Lord!~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I gave up my soda habit, my chiropractor has been telling me for years that diet Coke is evil for one's body, and to celebrate I sponsored a little girl from Guatemala.

(I have thought about it many times, its funny how God does these things. But I really felt that this was what I was supposed to do, and maybe its why God made me buy the book "Radical" by David Platt. Ever since I've read it, I've felt convicted to do more for God, and to listen to that still small voice in my heart. You know that voice? That small voice, the one that's barely audible because of all the commercials and pleas for you to spend your money on material things to make your life of ease even more comfortable. The small voice, that you almost need to meditate to hear, to go into a quiet place so you can hear it.)

I was on the Childfund website trying to pick a child, which is so difficult, all their beautiful little faces! Everytime I picked one, they had already been picked by someone else.

(That in itself is wonderful because it means many people have been sponsoring children recently. I wish we could all see how truly rich we are, compared to the rest of the world. For years I ignored the call to sponsor a child because I just didn't know if I could afford it, or I just didn't know if I really should, or I just didn't know which one of the sponsorship companies to pick. "You really want to me sacrifice some of my money for what??" )

So I just told God to pick for me, and started clicking until I got one that up for sponsorship. When I got the info about her this morning, it showed me that she and my son have the same birthday.

I thought, "That was pretty cool God! ", and in my brain I could hear, "See, I picked her out just for you."

So thank you God, thank you for your patience with me, and your never-ending love.
I love you too.